Wednesday, 10 June 2009

And I Don' Want The World To See Me...

Some days i can't bring myself to even get out of bed. Today, is one of those days.

I'm getting down again. I can feel it. Believe me, 10 years or so of being depressed and you kind of get a sixth sense for it. The bitch of the matter is I feel like I'm powerless to stop this. I've been told to cut my meds down to only 10mg of Citalopram. Well seeing as 20mg never seemed to do that much good, I'm really not feeling any better on half the amount.

It's days like this, i wonder what the point of life is? Let's just take a look at my life right now. I'm off sick from work. A job that i may have lost due to sending in a sick note late (because i was in hospital following a suicide attempt). they've stopped paying me sick pay, but unless they fire me or make me redundant i can't claim for any financial help. And lets not forget my illness apparently isn't severe enough to apply for DLA. Despite the fact i do need looking after. Especially on days like this. Even if i left my current job, I'm currently not fit for work. And even if i was, what company is going to take on someone who was off sick for 4 months, and suffers from depression and a borderline personality disorder? None. They won't come near me with a barge pole. Yes technically that is discrimination but they aren't exactly going to tell me why i wasn't hired. I'll just be ignored.

And i can't go back to my current job. Any other company and maybe, I'd be able to. But not this one. Considering the fact they haven't even been in contact with me for the past 3 months, are ignoring my phone calls and my emails, i really don't think I'm wanted back. I'd be back to doing 35 hours a week straight away, back on my own nearly all the time cos I'm full time in a part time team and i wouldn't get any help i need, I'd just be left to my own devices, which in my opinion would just make me relapse, badly. I won't name what company that is, but its shocking considering how well known they are.

Today i should have gotten up, need to do the washing, the washing up, check my post, see my friends, but none of that's happening. I don't even see the point in getting dressed. Or eating. Though that's more down to the fact i have no appetite today.

Perhaps when the OH comes home he might be able to persuade me to do something, but without any motivation or encouragement, I'm going nowhere and doing nothing.

This better be worth it, i hope the new antidepressants work.

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